Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Petroleum Crisis

The pathetic state of the poor and deprived population in our beloved country, Malaysia has in so far never place into serious focus, However, this subject of concerned has always been manipulated for political mileage by those unscrupulous politicians. Vividly manifest are irrelevant issues propagated by corrupted politicians in Parliament after implementing the unsubstantiated and unwarranted fuel hike. The domino effect is anticipated and imminent. Why then, the Government adamantly bulldoze such an uncalled for implementation ? Question is, how concerned are the people in power for the larger poor population ? RM 10 for the MPs may just be a cup of coffee at Star Buck, contradictory, RM 10 may mean a one week meal for the extreme poor family. Disparity is definitely crystal clear. Then where the hell has these Petroleum Wealth of the Nation gone ? Suppose to keep the gap of disparity close ? What are the MPs doing then ? Are they representing the people ? The current fuel hike tensions and effects are just the beginning. The inflationary effects will bite deeper into the economic wounds of the poor, thus creating malignancy on social ills and the deteriorating public orders. My Beloved Malaysians, are we going to wake up to call the shots ? It is timely now to come together to voice out for our second generation. Affirmative actions must we...

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